Google Discover: How to Optimize Content for Discover Feed

Google Discover: How to Optimize Content for Discover Feed
In: Search Optimization, SEO

Every brand wants to be on Google Discover but why? Is Google Discover giving them some benefits? If you are one of the brands that want to be on Google Discover without many obstacles then we are here to guide you.

Google Discover can help you to get in front of your target audience for free. It is a content discovery tool available on your mobile phone and you can personalize its recommendations. It also keeps you interested in high-quality and accurate content. But let’s find out how to optimize your content for Discover Feed. 

  1. Prepare High-Quality Content 

With high-quality and engaging content you can yourself on Google Discover. As per Google, you have to cover a particular topic with accurate information. Provide original information with thorough keyword research. Don’t simply copy or retell the information. These tips help in creating high-quality content. Quality content itself means content that is engaging, compelling, and contains relevancy.

In the shelter of an affordable content marketing agency, you can generate more returning consumers. Remember ‘there isn’t one size fits all approach to creating high-quality content’. Through content, you can introduce your product or service to your consumers.

Read through the existing content on the blog or web page and modify it with the latest and relevant information. Make sure that before you are going to create content you have gathered the knowledge about that topic. 

  1. Enhance and optimize your Titles 

Through your titles, you have to spark curiosity in the mind of the reader but avoid clickbait headings because Google forbids misleading content. Once you’ve made unique content, titles must be optimized according to Google Discover. You have to show that your content has additional value than others and is highly valuable for readers.

For building effective titles you can use what and why, versus titles or How to attract readers. You can add numbers in your title because it captures the attention of users. High-quality content addresses and resolves the problem of consumers. Make sure that your content also aligns with your business goals.

  1. Consider EEAT in Your Content 

E-E-A-T (Experience, Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness) is a part of the Google Search Quality Rater Guideline that is used to evaluate the quality of content. Experience in E-E-A-T means does the author have experience with the topic or content? Expertise in E-E-A-T means the is author an expert on the topic.

Authoritativeness reflects is the author an authority on the topic and trustworthiness means is the author trustworthy. If you add E-E-A-T to your content then your content quality will improve and have a higher chance of appearing on Google Discover. 

  1. Add Compelling Images to Your Content 

The images you are using in the content must be relevant to the content itself. Avoid using eye-grabbing images if they have nothing to do with what your content is about. The thumbnail should be accurate as per the content because the image acts as a reflection of your content and has an impact on the click-through rate. Google recommends that websites use large and best-quality images to drive traffic from Google Discover.

You can also add charts or graphs to make your content more engaging. You can add blog images that have quotes in them. This idea simply turns the words into a picture which makes your piece of content more visually attractive than your competitors. Your thumbnail must have the power to grasp the eyeballs. Make sure that you do not use your website logo for the thumbnail image because it is against Google’s guidelines. 

  1. Optimization of content for Generating Mobile Friendliness 

Google Discover is only available on mobiles so remember to optimize your content for mobile devices. Compress the images because high-definition images slow down the page loading speed. Minify Code as much as possible, you just have to remove the unnecessary HTML from your website through modification.

Mobile users are generally impatient and they might leave your website if your website takes longer loading time than they expected. You can use a CDN(Content Delivery Network) to improve page speed. You can also use AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages) to help a website load faster on mobile devices. For website development, even the digital marketing services agency uses strategies to enhance mobile friendliness. 

After the optimization of content refreshing you need to track your discover performance in Google Search Console. You can look into metrics like total clicks, impressions, and position. 


Preview your content before publishing and make sure that it follows all the guidelines to come on Google Discover. Optimizing your content to drive more traffic gets you in front of your audience. Stand out from your competitors with well-executed content that not only drives readers but also improves your reach through Google Discover. 

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