How to Write SEO-Friendly Content?
In: Content Creation, SEO

After reading the title you might think what is SEO-Friendly Content? Or you might be eager to know how to write SEO-friendly content that boosts your website traffic. Well, SEO Content Optimization is a boon for your website, so better not to compromise with it at any cost.

Writing for a website might not be important for many writers but they are not aware of the fact that 32% of people struggle with creating SEO-friendly website content. Let’s explore how you can craft SEO-friendly content for your website. 

Strategically do Keyword Research and Add Valuable Content 

Writing Seo-Friendly content doesn’t mean you just have to add primary and secondary keywords. You have to do keyword research that can help in increasing traffic on your website. Use Google keyword Planner like Semrush. Look closely into keyword suggestions and don’t just run behind high search volume keywords.

Let’s take a simple example for your better understanding. If you are writing a blog post on ‘outdoor games’. After using Google Keyword Planner, you find that related keywords include ‘best outdoor games’, ‘or ‘how to play outdoor games’. Consider creating sub-sections in your blog post that specifically use these specific keywords. 

Write some information about how to play outdoor games and what are the best outdoor games. Remember google algorithms love high-quality content that is valuable for readers. So never forget to make your blog informative, well-researched, and fulfill the specific needs of your readers. You can also take the help of a Content Writing Services Agency to improve your content. 

Placing Keywords with the Creation of Titles 

While placing the keywords you have to be extra careful. Avoid stuffing of keywords in the content. Use effective keyword placement in title tags, meta descriptions, headings, alt-image tags, and body to enhance the search engine’s crawling ability. For example, if the target keyword is ‘hair care tips’, don’t just mention the keyword randomly everywhere in your content. Instead, place them strategically in the introduction, title, subheading, and conclusion.  

For compelling titles and headlines, you can use captivating words like ‘5 easy hacks to clean your home’ or ‘The Easiest Guide to…’  to encourage more clicks and readership. Such titles build the interest of readers to jump into your content rather than choosing others. The more number of clicks you get into your content opportunities for higher the ranking increase. 

Focus on Formatting and Interlinking Strategy 

Even the Best SEO Service Provider in India believes that well-formatted articles with accurate information, short paragraphs, subheads, attractive headlines, and bullet points are ideal for keeping your target readers engaged for a longer period.  If you are working on better formatting methods then it can help search engine algorithms identify the main points in your content.

Just imagine you are writing a DIY guide on an aloe vera face mask. Then while writing about it you can add material, safety tips, how to apply, and precautions before applying a face mask in bullets or a numbered list. This encourages readers to spend more time on your blog. 

Remember that you have to keep your eyes open on link-building strategy since it is the backlink profile of a content piece then it can impact your ranking. Both internal and external links play a crucial role in your website. SEO-driven internal linking means links that are relevant to content on your website and external links lead to pages on other websites.

Let’s learn it from an example, if your article is about the face masks of Alovera then you can prefer internal linking to other articles on your website that relate to different face masks. For external link building, just link to the benefits of the Alovera face mask. 

Content Updates and Look into Content Length 

‘Content newness’ is the term you can use for web page content updation. Add new content that is relevant and informative this gives freshness to your existing content. This is not just a technique to refresh your already available content but also to capture new search traffic. 

Write in-depth content to increase the ranking of your blog because it provides more comprehensive information on a topic. Content length does not only affect search engine rankings but also the quality of content and backlinks impact ranking. 

Also Read – How To Increase Organic Traffic To Your Website

Create Evergreen Content and Write for Your Target Audience

Create evergreen content to attract more visitors, generate more leads and sales, and build relationships with potential consumers. Never forget that you are writing for your target audience. The more you learn and understand your target audience, the easier it is to create content that is relevant and helpful to them. Add surveys and social media contests or polls to ask the preferences of your target audience. From this data, you can build a better plan for your content. 


SEO-friendly Content isn’t just about writing generic content and molding it into your words. It’s about sharing knowledge and enhancing user’s experience with a better ranking of your website. It’s important to adopt these SEO-friendly content tips for making your presence in this advanced era. 

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